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Our Deacons

John Chapman, Head Deacon 


John was saved Aug 3, 1994 and has been attending Spirit Life since August of 2007.  John is the father of 3 wonderful daughters Megen, Brittany and Keyleigh. 


Johns favorite scripture is Proverbs 27:17

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."


Ruby Dacres, Deacon

Born in Jamaica WI, Ruby was brought up in a Christian home and moved to the United States in 1961. Ruby is a Deacon at Spirit Life and is responsible for our shut-in ministry, hospital and home visitations ministry as well as hospitality. She has served with Pastor Mike and Anita since 1990. 

She is blessed with a beautiful family and resides here in Palm Coast Florida. She looks forward to meeting you at Spirit Life.

Bob Fitzgerald, Deacon

The Holy Spirit led Bob to Spirit Life back in 2007. Bob heads up the Ushers team and serves as a Deacon. He also assist when needed in the daily operations of the Church.

Bob's life was headed for destruction until he met the Lord Jesus Christ. His life has totally turned since yielding himself to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Bob is looking forward to meeting you at Spirit Life. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13

Dennis Mcomber, Deacon


My wife Beverly and I are from Torrington, Ct. We have 5 children and 12 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. We moved here to Palm Coast Florida in early in 2010 and began attending SLWC a few months later. In June 2013 Pastor Mike asked if I would consider becoming a deacon. After long prayer I decided to accept the position. Gal 6:2 - Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.


Inez George, Deaconess

Inez George has been a member of Spirit Life Worship Church since it's inception in 2001. Inez is a leader of the Church whose primary responsibility is to minister to the sick and elderly at local nursing homes. She is also the founder of our Romans 8 intercessory prayer group, which started in her home.Inez is a mighty pillar in our church with a humble and loving heart.

Her love for the Church and her loyalty to our Pastor has been a great source of strength in maintaining unity in our church.

Mr. George, Deacon

M r. George has been with Spirit life Worship Church since it's inception. He is a Deacon of S.L.W.C. but serves in other areas of the church such as Hospitality,Ushering and The Nursing Home Ministry along with his wife Inez George. To God be The Glory!

Bo Ramos, Deacon


Bo Ramos and and his family are originally from N.Y. and lived in Minnesota 4 years before moving to Florida in 2001.


They have been attending SLWC for 13 years. Sonya and their son Alex are also involved in other activities of the church such as hospitality and sound booth operations. Bo has been an Usher during this time also.


"We are blessed to be a part of of this wonderful ministry as well as our Pastor, his family,

the staff and the church people are also a blessing to us." Psa.121:1.

Delores Gossard, Deacon



I started going to SLWC in 2002. I was looking for a spirit filled church and a church that believed in speaking in tongues. Which is hard to do. A flyer was sent to my house & it was just the church that I was looking for. SLWC is a church full of love & the Pastor preaches the word of GOD under the anointing of the precious Holy Spirit.

       1 Timothy 3:8-13  


Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless

Spirit Led Church Palm Coast Florida
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