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Welcome to Spirit Life Worship Church Website

Thank you for visiting!!!


Spirit Life was founded by Pastor Mike and Anita Desroches in 2001.  They have been residents of Palm Coast since 1987.  Pastor Mike and Anita have  a strong burden to encourage and strengthen both believers and non-believers into a relationship with Jesus Christ through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.


We are the Bride of Christ and our desire is to yield ourselves to the work and conviction of the Holy Spirit. We are "Christ- followers" who realize the importance of corporate worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship and the ANOINTING of the Holy Spirit.


Isaiah 55:11 declares that ..."The Word will not return void." Our Pastor's greatest focus is on teaching the "Bride of Christ" about worship and the Word of God. He believes if the Word of God is taught by the Spirit of God, it WILL NOT return void. Amen!


Who we are…

  • An interdenominational church. We welcome people from all denominations. 

  • A church which offers a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, beginning with salvation and moving to a newness of life, which can only come through the power of God in a surrendered life. 

  • A church that love is building in our city, our nation and around the world by reaching out to the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed, the destitute, the addicted and the poor. 

  • A body of believers with a hunger and thirst for truth. We are passionate about the Word of God because we are hungry to know Him more.

  • A congregation whose heart is set upon true, Christ-centered worship 

  • A fellowship of believers who are burdened to pray and seek the heart of God.


If you have been searching for a church who strives for excellence under strong leadership whose primary focus is on the Word of God, worship and the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit; you should feel right at home. Assisting Pastor Mike and Anita is a leadership team of ministers in many areas--music, hospital visitation, youth, elderly, outreach ministry, home visits, church administration, and much more.


Come again soon!






Pastor Mike Desroches

Spirit Led Church Palm Coast Florida

© Spirit life Worship Ministries, Inc. 2023


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